2025 Application Timeline

15 Jan Grade 7 Sports Assessment at Clifton Campus and Riverside Astro Turf
08h00 to 12h30

An opportunity for scholarship applicants to engage with staff in relaxed skill sessions.

13 Feb Open Evening
17h30 to 20h00

An opportunity for families who are interested in the College to visit Clifton, take a tour of the campus and engage with teachers and management staff.

21 Feb Scholarship Exams

Please allocate 2 hours for these.

21 Feb Scholarship Exams


28 Feb Grade 8, 2025 scholarship applications close

We will no longer accept scholarship applications for 2025.

09 March Boarding Experience

Grade 7 Sleepover for boys who have applied for Grade 8 2025.

11 – 13 March Grade 8, 2025 Scholarship Interview Evenings
17h30 to 19h00

Parents of boys who have been shortlisted for scholarships will be contacted and invited to attend an interview.

9 April Scholarship offers
11 April General offer of place

For any queries regarding the timeline and the Application and Admissions process, please contact Mrs Lisa Pillay. 
