News, information and perspectives on Clifton and the education of boys.
Why boys’ schools need women in positions of authority
By Mr Shaun McCabe
There are currently some 29 female leaders in countries or self-ruling territories. Of the 25 monarchies, there are reigning Queens in at least two countries: Denmark and the United Kingdom – and the latter is represented by female Governor Generals in 4 of the other 15 countries in which she is also Queen. There are 13 female Presidents. There are also female Prime Ministers. The point I am trying to make with this digression really concerns itself – in its simplest form – with the concept of female leadership as role-models to a new generation of young people.
What is the purpose of History?
By Mr Shaun McCabe
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
Today, history forms a huge component of human knowledge in general, alongside cultural and scientific knowledge, both of which overlap with history. Historians place a great emphasis on primary sources; people writing based on events they or their immediate friends actually experienced, rather than secondary sources, writing merely based on hearsay.
Also important are comparisons between primary sources. Without comparisons, it can be difficult to validate historical claims.
VUCA – An old idea for a new crisis
By Mr Shaun McCabe
“Strategic leadership is accidental, being in the right place at the right time. But if opportunity is essential, so is preparation.” [1]
When the US Army War College in the late-1980s was developing thinking in a post-Cold War era that reflected the more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, I don’t believe that they could have factored in the current global situation we find ourselves in.
Joyce delivers on his vow to parents
Thirteen-year-old Joyce Lokosu has won a bursary to Clifton School in Durban fulfilling a vow he made to his parents when he was at Addington Primary.
Joyce was in Grade 2 when he visited Clifton on an organised tour with some of his classmates and was so impressed by what he saw that he told his mother and father he would attend the school one day and they wouldn’t have to pay any fees!
Consider for a moment, the ancient explorers setting off into the unknown without charts and simply sturdy ships, willing crews and a reliance on some nautical instruments and the just stars; that they were able to weather the worst and map the new world. It strikes me that we now are facing a similar situation globally, where in a world now consumed by socio-economic crisis and uncertainty, many organisations and institutions are being challenged at every level.
The Clifton Sports department put together a great physical education program during the lockdown, allowing the Clifton gentlemen to keep active during these tough times. I recently had the opportunity to chat with our hard-working sports staff about some of their challenges and successes.
Written by Shaun McCabe: Director of The Arts at Clifton College
The annual Clifton and Durban Girls’ College musical collaboration is a delightful celebration of the talents of our youngsters and a testimony to the amount of time and effort that they and their respective music tutors spend working together. It also got me to thinking about the role the arts play in the life of boys.
The Emotional Life of Boys: One Size Does Not Fit All
Emotional intelligence (EQ) has gained a favourable space alongside IQ as findings continue to reveal connections to overall well-being and positive developmental outcomes. The EQ dialogue can now be found at all stages in the lifespan as theories and resources have emerged to “download” emotional competence. And it starts early.
EQ education can be a worthy endeavour, especially given that the core of EQ is self and other awareness. The challenge becomes evident when we consider the diverse expression of the emotional life of individuals. While we all have emotions and feelings, they can feel and present differently. Importantly, because of their underlying meaning, emotions and motivation are personal and unique.
A young man’s journey in life needs structure, guideposts and moments of reflection and inspiration. At Clifton, key events and milestones intentionally contribute to the building of young men of significance.
Rooted in this journey are the relationships and partnerships with family, teachers, coaches, peers and mentors. This passage to manhood celebrates passion, courage, humility, engagement, care and integrity. Our young men leave Clifton with a sense of self, service and purpose.
On Saturday we celebrated the matric class of 2020 as they completed their formal school days by ringing the bell at Founders’ House and signing out as pupils of Clifton. It was a memorable and emotional morning for the boys, their friends and their parents as they bade farewells and sang the school war cry along with the Grade 8 and 11 boys. This rite of passage is one of many that we celebrate at Clifton as we journey with our boys to manhood.
Best wishes for your finals, gents! Prodesse Quam Conspici.
I know that asking for help can be difficult. I offer a non-judging, confidential and professional service,” Paul explains. With international and local experience, he offers an empathetic service for a variety of psychological needs, including depression, anxiety, adjustment, identity and marriage counselling.
He is also a specialist facilitator for personal and group development, covering parenting, design thinking, creativity, conflict resolution and problem-solving.
With a strong background and interest in business psychology, Paul is able to offer psychometric assessments to guide your child in choosing the right subjects and courses.