Clifton Conversations at Mount Edgecombe
Does Clifton have a bus service?
Yes. We run a morning and afternoon bus from the North Coast that includes Ballito and Mount Edgecombe, and another from the Highway area. These buses stop in various places along each route.
What are the school fees at Clifton?
Our school fees vary per phase and grade. The annual fee for Grade R is currently R 62,095 and for Grade 12 is R 155,458. For a full breakdown of our school fee schedule and payment options, click on this link:
Do you offer bursaries and scholarships?
There are limited bursaries available to boys in the Prep School. These continue until the end of the Grade 7 year. Please note that these are partial bursaries and are only for some financial assistance with fees. They are not 100% bursaries. A limited number of scholarships are awarded to Grade 7 boys entering Grade 8.
How do you apply to Clifton?
All applications are done online. Here is the link where you will find all information regarding the application process, bursary applications and scholarships: