“Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu” – “I am because you are”. This is how we describe the meaning of Ubuntu. It speaks to the fact that we are all connected, and that one can only grow and progress through the growth and progression of others.
A few months ago, I had to buy my son new cricket shoes as he had outgrown the shoes that I bought him not even a few months before! I looked at his shoes
– the old ones- and I thought these are still like new and can be used by someone else that can fit into them.
My thoughts then focussed onto those who are less fortunate than ourselves and in our beautiful country, there are many such individuals who have a passion for the game, who have the ability however due to their financial and other restrictions, are unable to realise those dreams.
I called Heinrich Strydom, the CEO of KZNCU and discussed this proposition with him and he was just as excited as I was, and this is where this initiative was born.
Service to the public and to those less fortunate, is an integral part of any society. It teaches us about compassion and not to live just for oneself and serve only our needs.
What makes this collection extra special is that most of the Clifton boys went through their cricket equipment and kit themselves and picked out what they have outgrown and no longer use but can still be used by others.
Today, this selfless act of each of the Clifton boys will help empower other boys with the tools they need to help realise their dreams and effect changes within their communities.
The boys being personally involved in selecting the kit to be given away and being here today for the handover, allows them the opportunity to see first- hand the positive impact of their generosity.
To those on the receiving end, we give these to you with love in the hope that this little token will somehow somewhere keep you motivated, keep you focussed and encourage you to pursue your dreams and to excel at this wonderful game of cricket and to help you in succeeding to achieve your goals.
We give you these tools by which you can become authors of your own life story and builders of a better cricket world.
Mr Bowles, Mr Ravenscroft, Mr Jason Brown, Mr Tom Brown, all other staff involved, boys and the greater Clifton community, on behalf of the Kwazulu- Natal Cricket Union, we thank you for making this possible, for opening your hearts and for your generosity. The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.
Today, Clifton School & the KZN Cricket Union join together to create a fabulous tomorrow.
Thank you and God bless
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