Edition 2: 30 January 2020

Clifton Academic Cum Laude Awards

At the College Awards Assembly, we were delighted to welcome back Ibrahim Khan and Naail Suliman from the Class of 2019.

Their outstanding matric results earned them the highest Academic Award at Clifton – The Clifton Academic Cum Laude. Ibrahim achieved an aggregate of 91.29% and Naail 90.71%.
Naail (left) and Ibrahim (right) are pictured with Executive Headmaster, Mr David Knowles and Deputy Principal: Academics, Ms Fiona King.

Congratulations once again, gents. You have done yourselves, your family and your school proud!

A Message from the Prep Principal


Dear Clifton family

A rather belated, but sincere welcome back to Clifton after what I hope was a good and restful holiday. We are very excited about 2020 as we continue to nurture and develop the boys in our care.

Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck has researched and written a book titled Mindset. “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” Aspects such as effort, discipline, perseverance and attitude and a growth mindset are vital if we are to encourage the development of grit in our boys and ensure that they continue growing and developing in the different areas in which they are involved.

I believe that each boy is special and made by God. Everyone is built for a purpose. I have an image of God making a huge jigsaw puzzle of his creation; each piece is unique and has a special place and function. Our job at Clifton is to help every boy to find his place and purpose. There is something special or a strength within each boy that can be nurtured and grown so he can take his rightful place in God’s giant jigsaw puzzle.

There are several things that our boys have been given and which they have not earned in life. The first is being born to their parents who, through their circumstances, have given them the privilege of being educated at a school like Clifton.

 Secondly, God has given each one intelligence: being intellectual, emotional, physical or spiritual. He has made them who they are with their own unique strengths and talents. It is our job as teachers and parents to uncover these talents. The third aspect that God has given them is the freedom to choose how they react to every situation that confronts them. These three gifts are given freely to all our boys. The way to success in life is paved by how hard we work with what God has given us. What amount of sweat, toil and tears are we prepared to invest in our interests and our strengths?

Malcolm Gladwell in his bestselling book Outliers points out that those people who are successful in life are those that spend 10 000 hours doing and practising their skill. That translates to about three hours a day for ten years. With passion, discipline,

effort, determination, courage and perseverance each of us can hone our skills and become successful and even famous. The old saying “It is your attitude that determines your altitude” is so apt in terms of success in life. For this reason, we continue to reward and acknowledge the boys’ attitudes and effort as well as their excellence.

Our greatest task at this school is to instil in our boys the values of empathy, compassion, love and care for God’s creation and for those around us. St Theresa said: “Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.” She also commented that, “Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, or even their difficulty, as at the love with which we do them.”

We want Clifton boys to think seriously about the legacy they will leave the world. Their thinking will determine whether they become merely successful in mastering their talents and being good at them, or whether they become significant people who use their success in the service of the world and of others – in this way leaving a lasting legacy. We want each one of our boys to use their future success to become solutionaries for our tomorrow.

If we can live the “Fruit of the Spirit”, then we will be able to live meaningful lives where we put aside our own desires and become that vibrant jigsaw piece that will fit in exactly the right place and to complete God’s great creation. We will have used God’s gifts to us and given back to God to make our world a better and more sustainable place. In this way we become significant and we leave that lasting legacy for future generations. As we contemplate our legacies and look to become significant, let us remember Anne Frank’s words of wisdom, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Our Clifton solutionaries need to go out and lovingly change the world and make it a better place.

Warm Regards,


Clifton News Bits

Debating Captain Anthony Traicos arranged a workshop for our Grade 8s together with Glenwood High School, Westville Girls’ High School, Eden School and Our Lady of Fatima. The workshop was focused on training the Grade 8s who will be joining the Durban Coastal Debating League this year. It also afforded the students the opportunity to get to know each other in a more informal environment before they face each other across the table.

The second race of the Capital Caterers Inter-school Canoe League took place on 25 January on the Lions River. The race started at Clydesdale Cottages and finished on Midmar Dam; the river was flowing flat water at a medium level following some overnight rain with a tricky rapid that tested some of the paddlers as they entered Midmar Dam. Clifton was represented by 5 boys, results as follows:

Jarryd Walker – 7th Under 18

Benjamin Maehler – 4th Under 16

Luke Achmad – 9th Under 16

Mikka Spurrett – 30th Under 16

Mark Maree – 47th Under 16

It was wonderful to welcome Fabrice Muhizi – 1st Head Boy of Clifton College – as the Guest Speaker at our inaugural Speakers Assembly yesterday.

Fabrice addressed the assembly and spoke about the lessons he has learned about adversity and opportunity. The youngest of 5 boys, Fabrice lost his mother in 1994 and shortly thereafter the family had to flee their country as war broke out.

Navigating the dangers and hardships of life in refugee camps in the DRC and Malawi, the family ended up in Durban 3 years later where Fabrice was enrolled at Addington Primary.

After a shaky start due to the language barrier, the assistance and nurturing of his teachers – along with his determination to succeed – ensured that Fabrice finished strong and was awarded a scholarship to Clifton.

He was one of the 14 founding members of Clifton College in 2002 and was Head Boy in his matric year. His message of taking adversity and through it finding and welcoming opportunity was a powerful one and well-received by the staff and boys.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Fabrice and for you continued support and involvement in our school.

Mezher’s Meander

On Friday afternoon, Messrs White and Ravenscroft will be at the Prep Championship Gala at the Aquatic Centre. On Saturday Messrs Mezher and White will be at the Prep cricket matches being played against Highbury. Mr Ravenscroft will be with his team for their match. Messrs Knowles, Bresler and Ms King will be at the College cricket and basketball matches being played against Northwood. Mr Boniaszczuk and Mrs Achmad will be at Durban North College for the Grade 2 matches for selected cricketers.

Clifton Old Boys


Justin Wood (2019) and Mr Keegan Pearce, Director of Hockey at Clifton, pictured here at the recent SA U21 hockey training camp in Pretoria.

Justin is part of the extended squad who are preparing for the 2021 World Cup and Mr Pearce is part of the coaching staff as assistant coach and trainer.


Clifton Classifieds


Please call Amy Mezher on 064 687 5934 or email: amymez6@gmail.com if you are looking for a reliable House Sitter or Baby Sitter.

Tersia Brenna has eighteen years of experience in supervising and teaching children from 3 months olds to 5year-olds. She also has experience with autistic and ADHD children. She is available to au pair, assist with homework and holiday care Monday to Friday and weekends from the 15 December onwards. Please contact her on 0635351952.


Live in full time maid required in the Morningside area, preferably in her 30’s, well spoken and presentable. Must have cooking skills.

Au Pair with solid experience looking after children, honest and dependable for ad hoc au pair work.

Please contact Greg on 0837756992



Clifton Classified advertising is open to current parents and staff of Clifton. The cost per advert is R100, which will be debited to your son’s school account.

For bookings, email: marketing@cliftonschool.co.za