Youngster Wins Clifton College Bursary, Delivering on Promise to Parents

Thirteen-year-old Joyce Lokosu has won a bursary to Clifton School in Durban fulfilling a vow he made to his parents when he was at Addington Primary.

Joyce was in Grade 2 when he visited Clifton on an organised tour with some of his classmates and was so impressed by what he saw that he told his mother and father he would attend the school one day and they wouldn’t have to pay any fees!

Now through diligence and hard work the youngster has earned his passage to do just that by winning a bursary from the school which covers the costs of his senior school years.

And he has made another vow – he wants to be a heart surgeon and is determined to get a bursary to pay for his studies at university!

Addington Primary principal Mr Raj Moodley said Joyce had been top of his class throughout his junior school years.  “It is no exaggeration to describe him as a model learner – he sets a fine example in whatever he does. I have no doubt he will go on to achieve great things.”

His parents Giscard Lokosu and Louise Omba said they were very proud of their son who they had named Joyce to express their joy after he came close to death during birth.

Joyce said he was very excited at the thought of attending Clifton.  “I want to become a heart surgeon – I have been inspired learning about how the world’s first human heart transplant was done by Dr Christiaan Barnard at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town.”