How to apply to Clifton School
Instructions for all applications:
All applications are done online via our ADAM portal. Once you have clicked on the application link, you will need to upload the following documents in support of your application under Upload Family Documents:
- A copy of your son’s unabridged birth certificate
- A copy of a recent school report (if applicable)
- A signed copy of consent for credit check document
Should you be making an application for a bursary, please check the box to indicate which Grade you are applying for.
An Application Fee of R600.00 is required and should be paid into the following account:
Clifton School | Nedbank | Branch: 164826 | Acc: 1648137946
Ref: (Surname, Grade of Entry, Year of Entry)
Please upload a proof of payment of the application fee.
For any queries or assistance with the application process, please email fsatar@cliftonschool.co.za
Once your application is submitted and approved, the Admissions Secretary will acknowledge receipt of your completed application.
You will then be contacted for an interview and a tour of the school.

Partial tuition bursaries may be awarded to boys entering the Preparatory School from Grades R – 7. These bursaries, if awarded, will continue through to the end of the Grade 7 year.
PLEASE NOTE: You need to indicate which grade you are making an application for. (for any reason if the link does not open you can email bmezher@cliftonschool.co.za with the subject “Prep School Bursary Enquiry”)
We have limited scholarship opportunities available for boys entering Clifton in Grade 8. Should you wish to apply for a scholarship for your son, please follow the above instructions for a general application and in addition, upload the following documents in support of your scholarship application under Upload Pupil Documents:
1. A CV to the application, in which you outline your son’s achievements in support of your submission. You do not need to include additional documentation or copies of certificates, although the School reserves the right to call for this document if necessary.
2. A short essay in which your son motivates your application for a scholarship. He should include his strong points and the value that he believes he will add to our school.